These Terms and Conditions are in relation to all activities, events and programmes operated by NZSSCS. Please read these guidelines, and where relevant read to your child and ensure they understand the expectations of the holiday programme, classes or event. You will be asked to sign your acceptance of our terms and conditions when you book a class, workshop or event.
Personal belongings (water bottles, jumpers, devices) must be stored in the locker or allocated bag area provided for the duration of the class / holiday programme.
Chewing gum is not permitted.
Be respectful of others and follow instructions and etiquette as described in this form and through staff communication or notices displayed within the venue.
Mobile phones and headphones are not permitted to be used during the activities or in the main working space. Be considerate of your peers and if you must take a call, please take it away from the active working area.
Do not attempt tricks, skills, gymnastics, or other stage and screen combat moves that you have not been taught at by NZSSCS staff.
Only pick up weapons or props if you are instructed to do so.
Care for the facility and its equipment to ensure its maximum lifespan.
I understand I may be charged for items belonging to NZSSCS if I lose or damage items due to unreasonable use.
I will treat all staff and others at NZSSCS with respect and care at all times.
I understand that if at any time during the programe I am under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances, NZSSCS has the right to stop my participation and I have no right for a refund.
I will report any poor behaviour, incidents or near miss incidents to an NZSSCS staff member, or contact management if deemed more appropriate. A report will be completed by an instructor.
I am aware there will be photographs, images and videos taken at NZSSCS that may be used on social media or marketing. Whereby I do not consent to media use I claim responsibility to remove myself from any photography occurring during events or otherwise.
Please note NZSSCSe do not provide refunds, however at management discretion we may provide a credit.
When making a booking for an event, class or holiday program your contact details will also be used by NZSSCS to provide you with information about NZSSCS upcoming classes, events and holiday programs.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.
Please note:All bookings are non refundable
NZSSCS can provide a credit to use on another course however please note NZSSCS do not provide refunds.
If a student has to cancel due to covid - this will be looked at on an individual basis at the discretion of management
Medical Consent
In an emergency, NZSSCS may act on my behalf.
NZSSCS may administer pain relief.
I agree that if prescribed medication needs to be administered, a designated adult will be assigned to do this. I will ensure that prescribed medication is clearly labelled, securely fastened and handed to the designated adult with instructions on its administration.
I will inform NZSSCS as soon as possible of any changes in medical or other circumstances.
I agree to my child receiving any emergency medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered by the medical authorities present.
I will be responsible for any medical costs not covered by ACC or a community service card.
If my child is involved in a serious disciplinary problem, including the use of illegal substances and/or alcohol, or actions that threaten the safety of others, he/she will be sent home at my expense.
Parental Consent
Please check this if filling in on behalf of a child.
I agree to my child taking part in NZSSCS classes, events and holiday programmes. I acknowledge the need for them to behave responsibly.
I understand that there are risks associated with involvement in NZSSCS' events and that these risks cannot be completely eliminated.
I understand NZSSCS will identify any foreseeable risks or hazards and implement correct management procedures to eliminate or minimise those risks.
I understand that my child will be involved in the development of safety procedures. I will do my best to ensure that my child follows these procedures.
I recognize that participation in such activities is voluntary and not mandatory. My child and I both understand that they may withdraw from the activity if they feel at risk. This must be done in consultation with the person in charge.
I understand that the nature of these activities may require close and physical contact with other participants and/or instructors. I understand that this physical contact is necessary and inherent in the context and instruction of the material. I acknowledge and understand that it is my right to decline participation in any event with which I feel uncomfortable or unsafe, that it is my right to vocalise my feelings concerning the training, and that at any time I may choose to immediately cease activity or involvement. I acknowledge that if I am uncomfortable with any situation or individual that I may immediately state so, and that it is my right to remove myself from the situation immediately and that I am encouraged to do so, and that an instructor will be provided with whom I may discuss my concerns in private.
I understand that NZSSCS does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property (either my child’s property or damage to other’s property caused by my child) and that it is my responsibility to check my own insurance policy.
For our Medieval Banquets - Myself or a caregiver must be in arms reach of child under the age of 12 at all times. If children behaving in an unsafe manner they will be asked to leave
For our Medieval Banquets - Archery & Axe Throwing age 8+ with adult supervision 16+ ok unaccompanied
Payment or Injury Expense
I understand that NZSSCS does not maintain accident medical insurance for any injuries resulting from events, classes or holiday programs, including any injuries sustained while en route to or from this event, class or holiday program. It is either my responsibility, or my parents’ responsibility, to provide medical insurance or other financial means of paying for any and all activity-related injuries.
Electronic Signature / Permission
By writing my name I am electronically signing this document.
16 years or older must sign their name, Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign below for any participants and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above.
Those 15 years and under are not permitted to use any weights or free weights at the venue or to use the fitness area including the pull up bars unless supervised by a parent/guardian or NZSSCS member of staff.
Those 13 years and under must be supervised at all times at NZSSCS unless approved by NZSSCS staff member to train unsupervised; or as part of a scheduled class or program under NZSSCS supervision.
I understand that sometimes my image will be taken during class and MAY be used later on for advertising future classes